1. Synonym for stoned
4. Scientific name for marijuana
12. In a short time
14. Actor and veteran advocate Sinise
15. Spock species
17. Snacks when stoned
19. ___ Boy Sandwich
20. Spiritual symbol or chant
21. Sid Viscous did it this way
22. Nonprofit URL domain extension
23. Morning
24. Take bong ______
25. Military base store
27. 1998 Dave Chappelle stoner comedy
32. Least-common of the common terpene that can be found in nutmeg, conifers and apples
35. Stoner version of BFF
39. Male child
40. 1991 John Candy movie “Only the ______”
41. Scottish for not regular odd
42. Alright
43. Road trip query, “Are we there ____?”
44. Soccer official shortened
46. Invasive slang for cannabis
49. Joint twisted before sale
52. Hetero life-mate of 18a down
54. Protein coding gene aka. Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor
56. Audio cord or port
57. This Joe knows that knowing is half the battle
58. Toupee
60. Paddle
61. Pod vegetable
62. Light on fire
65. Between pants and shorts
68. Street for short
69. Special baked good
71. Cannabis infused foods
73. High card
76. Slang for cannabis bud portion
77. Catholic sister
78. Princess Bride reply, “___ you wish!”
79. Ralph Macchio was this kind of kid
82. Stranger Things heroine
84. Slang for yes or Las Vegas activity
85. Forest smelling terpene
87. American poet Elliot or Jeremy London in Mallrats
88. Abbr. for an interactive experience of a real-world environment like Pokémon Go
89. Star Wars: A New _____
90. Skynet for example
91. Mind high type of cannabis
93. Lyrics “Everybody was Kung ___ Fighting”
94. Software used for Customer Relationship Management
95. 74 down rival
98. Veteran’s healthcare agency for short
99. First type of legalized cannabis
103. Vaping component that contains cannabis oil
107. Cosmonaut Gagarin
108. Cannabis cultivating state in the Pacific Northwest
109. Ewok planet
111. Floral terpene found in flowers and spice plants
113. Big Bang Theory’s Koothrappali
114. Awesome sweet and fruity terpene
116. Old colloquially speaking
117. Dab rig piece
119. Precedes “Da!”
120. Monty Python Knights’ favorite word
122. Sumerian city-state in ancient Mesopotamia
123. High School for short
125. After this
126. Oils, wax, glass, shatter, and oral tinctures for example
130. Cannabis filled cigar
133. Negative response
134. Dispensary employee title: Bud ________
135. Leave quickly
136. Knight title
137. Offspring of a god and a mortal, or a mortal raised to divine rank
138. The loneliest number
1. Water pipe
2. Tarheel College
3. The night before
4. Has the skills and tools required to perform a task
5. Smell
6. Broad City state, recently Decriminalized Cannabis
7. Steers clear of
8. Fist or Speed
9. Chicago State which recently Legalized Cannabis
10. State with palm tree and moon on its flag
11. Black rock
12. One way to consume Cannabis
13. Lyrics: “_____ house, in the middle of our street.”
16. Musical equipment Spinal Tap set to 11
18. 50th State
18a. Quiet Kevin Smith character
24. “______ Madness” propaganda film
26. Don’t lose
27. Cannabis stain or Monty Python movie
28. Soothing plant
29. Slang abbreviation for Free and Easy
30. Defunct Toy Store
31. Not tainted
32. What Sublime smokes in the morning with 52 down
33. Twilight Zone narrator initials
34. Slang for Cannabis or cooking utensil
36. Smoking utensil
37. Rapper/record producer… not a real doctor
38. Not happy
44. Wallace Shawn role in Toy Story
45. Low-lying cloud
47. Terpene that occurs often in plants and herbs such as cannabis, mangoes, hops, bay laurel leaves, thyme, lemongrass, and basil
48. A warm gun… or a warm puppy
49. Consume
50. Something you don’t want in a joint
51. Terpene found in the peels of citrus fruits, cannabis and other plants.
52. What Sublime smokes at night with 32 down
53. Substance abuse program
55. Slang for cannabis or man’s name
58. Bird part
59. Common cannabis color
63. TV show: This Is _____
64. Type of variable testing
66. Not a kid anymore
67. Puff Daddy’s first name
70. ____ Tang Clan
72. Gilligan’s ___ Minnow
74. 95 across rival
75. McDreamy’s workplace
80. Military postal address starter
81. Gratuity
83. Nom
84. Mama Bear Disney Movie
86. My Name is _____
88. School club stereotypically populated by geeks
89. Appetite suppressing terpene of hops also found in cannabis, sage, and ginseng
92. Body high type of cannabis
94. Ear wiggling funny lady Burnett
96. In Cannabis terms OG’s not short for Original Gangsta it means “______ Grown”
97. This kind of Gooball is a Deadlot treat
100. Erie International Airport abbr.
101. Eat a meal
102. Legal state for cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms
104. “Back to School” actor initials
105. Swirly spots
106. Letters on a railroad crossing sign
110. Not you
112. Subtract
114. Cute and furry river animal
115. Small village in the south of County Kildare, Ireland
118. Follows Holiday or Ramada
121. Grimm musical “______ the Woods”
122. Ash holder
123. Not there
124. Common term for Cannabidiol
127. Eat
128. Motivation talk type
129. Perfect score
131. Action star Jet
132. 2009 high flying Disney/Pixar film