Try It:
- Start on your hands and knees (all fours) with knees under the hips and wrists under the shoulders or slightly forward
- Spread your fingers and press through the base of the fingers and the fingertips
- As you exhale, pull your belly in, lift your side waists, round your spine and release your head towards the floor
- Actively press the floor away and feel the stretch in the back body
- Inhale and come back into your neutral starting position.
Purpose: Focus, Stability, Calm
Level: Beginner
- Stretches the back torso and neck
- Provides a gentle massage to the spine and belly organs
- If you have a neck injury, keep your head in the neutral position
- If you have wrist or knee injuries, you can substitute with a seated or lying down version of Cat and Cow poses.
- Try the seated version: Sit on a chair or in an easy cross-legged position. Place your hands on your knees and round your spine into Cat pose on the out-breath. Add the Cow Pose on the in-breath
- Try the standing version: Stand with your legs hips width apart, knees slightly bent. Place your hands on your thighs and round your spine on the out-breath. Add the Cow Pose on the in-breath
- Make a Cat – Cow sequence into a core awakening exercise by extending out your opposite arm and leg in Cow pose and then drawing the elbow back and the knee to nose in Cat pose