1. GET A WASHABLE AIR FILTER – If you smoke inside your home you know how quickly your air filters get all gross and sticky. If you’re a heavy smoker and especially if you have pets or lots of people in your house, you might want to consider making the switch to washable air filters. Initially the expense will seem greater but in the long run, not having to purchase new filters and being able to wash them more frequently will be better for your budget and your health.
2. DUST WITH FABRIC SOFTENER SHEETS – Smokers know how quickly dust can pile up in the house. An affordable alternative to dusting with more expensive electromagnetic cloths and cleaning supplies, is to use fabric softener sheets instead. Even if you don’t use dryer sheets for your laundry, you can score a pack of them at the dollar store to soften the blow to your budget while leaving your house dust free and smelling Downy fresh.

3. CLEAN MICROWAVE WITHOUT SCRUBBING – Crusty caked on munchie mess in the microwave can be a major buzz kill. Instead of swearing and scrubbing like a maniac nuke a clean damp sponge on HIGH for 2 minutes. This will kill all the bacteria and you can use the sponge or a wet cloth to easily wipe down the mess with little elbow grease required.
4. NO MORE PET HAIR IN YOUR POT – If you have a bunch of pets it seems inevitable that their hair will wind up in your pipe at some point, especially when they are shedding. Instead of making that awful face when confronted with the awful taste of burning hair, prep your smoking space by rubbing it down with rubber gloves. Pushing rubber against the fabric of your couch and clothes generates elasticity and grabs even the stubborn strands.
5. FRESHEN UP FURNITURE THAT IS FUNKY – Upholstery can be one of the main culprits in clinging to stale smoke and making your space smell like a roach filled ashtray. Combat it by combining water, vinegar and an essential oil like lavender or eucalyptus in a spray bottle and misting the couch and curtains after heavy smoke sessions.
6. SAFELY REMOVE GLASS SHARDS – Unfortunately breaking glass is an inevitable part of smoking cannabis. RIP Atomic Bong. The only thing worse than losing your favorite glass piece is when you (or worse your pet) get cut while you’re trying to clean it up. Instead of simply sweeping up the mess, press a piece of bread around the area where the shatter occurred. This will get all the little tiny pieces without jabbing your feet or fingers.
These cleaning hack will work, but truth be told, the best advice is to smoke outside and clean up messes immediately before they get set in and crusty.