Cannabis has come a long way since legalization. Most of us old school stoners are used to consuming in by smoking or eating it so when someone brings up doing dabs we can be a little lost. We get the point of a pen, for quick subtle hits but when you break out a dab rig and a blow torch we get a little twisted around.
For all the older folks like me who might be new to the concept of concentrate here’s a couple of dos and don’ts you should know when you decide a dab will do ya.

DO: Know how your dabs were made – There are several different processes used to extract THC and make concentrates. Some of these use chemicals like butane, CO2 or alcohol others use machines, ice or heat. How it’s processed can affect the taste, the texture, the burn and the buzz. Knowing how the dabs were made allows you to skip processes that might result in a headache or a “burnt plastic” taste.
DO: Use the right tools – The type of dabs you’re doing determine the tools you will need. Stickier dabs need a pointier dab tool and crumblier ones work better with a scoop. Carb caps are another piece that have several variations and different functions. Ask the supplier at your local smoke shop what will work best for you.
DO: Keep tools/equipment clean – Just like gross water makes your bong hits taste funky, dirty dab rigs and tools will negatively affect the quality od your hit. Depending on the amount of use do a deep clean monthly, weekly… or daily. Use a Q-Tip to swab your banger after each hit and share safely by swiping your dabber’s mouthpiece with an isopropyl alcohol wipe after each person hits it.
DON’T: Underestimate the potency – Because dabs are highly concentrated THC and cannabinoids, they often test between 69-90% THC for comparison, most flower tests around 18-25%. This means dabs will smack you in the head QUICKLY! Make sure that you don’t need to drive, operate heavy equipment or perform brain surgery any time soon after dabbing.
DON’T: Forget how hot it gets – Dabbing requires a much higher heat that typical flower smoking. It involves blowtorches and heating glass to outrageous temperatures! It seems like common sense to say, “It’s hot don’t touch it!!” but remember we’re talking about stoners and high doses of THC here. Everything is extremely hot… the torch, the rig, the nail, even the dabs themselves. Even quick contact with any of these could result in 2nd to 3rd degree burns or worse. If it comes to letting something fall and break or absent mindedly reaching out to catch it… let that sucker drop.
DON’T: Waste Dabs – Getting the most out of your concentrate is a science. If the banger is too hot it can burn up all the good stuff before it gets to your lungs. If it’s too cold you won’t get the full burn. Aside from regulating temperature, this is one of those situations where size really does matter. Too big a dab might mean you won’t be able to clear it and result in having to blow out the stale smoke left in the chamber.
The most important thing you can DO is ask a bunch of questions. DON’T be afraid to admit how little you know. Your budtender is there to help you learn and give you the info you need to make good choices.