Halloween is coming! This year’s celebration looks to be a little different than usual and you might not want to spend a lot of time or money on your costume. Here are 2 cannabis inspired ideas you can easily throw together in a flash with stuff you have around the house:
POT HEADS – Channel your inner Johnny Appleseed and swap your hat for some cookware. You’ll have an easy, affordable and “punny” canna-creative costume by simply putting a pot on your head.
WEED BROWNIE – Whip up a sweet canna-costume quickly with a brown (or green) T-shirt, a brown skirt or shorts and brown knee highs. The finishing touch is a brown sash emblazoned with stoner merit badges and your troop number… 420. Don’t have a brown sash per say? You can cut one out of a white cotton pillow case and stain it by soaking it in coffee.