Cannabis might be legal in your state but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s legal at grandma’s house… where you’re going to need it the most if you are going to get through the family festivities peacefully. You can always take a walk to blaze with your cool cousins and hope your uncool cousins or the dank smell doesn’t bust you when you get back or you can try one of these three ways to maintain your buzz on the downlow.
1. Edibles
Pregame with some tasty THC filled treats. Edibles usually kick in after about an hour so if you plan accordingly they can hit right when you arrive. You might even want to bring some with you if it’s going to be an all-day gathering. Just make sure that no one accidentally eats them, especially kids.

2. Tincture
Like an edible but less filling and kicks in faster, a tincture might be the way to go. A few drops under your tongue will have you feeling mellow even as if your family is fighting over who gets to sit at the grown-up table. Squeeze a few drops in your drink to draw out the high but make sure you right your name on your cup. You wouldn’t want anyone to accidentally down your doctored drink.
3. Vape Cartridge
You might still need to take a walk with the cousins to get away with puffing on a pen but heck, that’s part of your holiday tradition anyway. At lease when you use a vape cartridge you won’t come back smelling like you walked by a skunk. Call your cousins ahead of time to make sure everyone brings a different strain, that way you have an assortment to share as flavorful as what’s for dinner.