November 2020 Fun and Games

Mad Lids

Fill in the Blanks
  1. ________ number
  2. ________ verb pat tense
  3. ________ mode of transportation
  4. ________ adjective
  5. ________ number
  6. ________ place
  7. ________ verb past tense
  8. ________season
  9. ________ verb
  10. ________ adjective
  11. ________ verb
  12. ________ verb
  13. ________ food
  14. ________ emotion
  15. ________ adjective
  16. ________ meal


Unscramble these popular terpenes to find a secret message.

  • LONE MINE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  • NOR LOBE  _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  • PEACH MEN  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Secret Message _ _ _    _ _ _

High Comedy Joke

In the year _______ (1. number) the Pilgrims _______ (2. verb past tense) across the ocean on a _______ (3. mode of transportation) called the Mayflower. It was a _______ (4. adjective) voyage that lasted _______ (5. number) days before they landed at _______ (6. place). Most of the pilgrims had _______ (7. verb past tense) before the end of the first _______ (8. season). A Native American named Squanto decided to _______ (9. verb) the _______ (10. adjective) group. He taught them how to _______ (11. verb), _______ (12. verb) and plant _______ (13. food). When it was time for the harvest the Pilgrims were so _______ (14. emotion) they held a/n _______ (15. adjective) _______ (16. meal) for their new friends.