Are you trying to watch your weight over the holidays, or at least to not gorge yourself to uncomfortable levels? Do you find the assortment of yummy goodies presented at various festive functions proves too much of a temptation when you have the munchies? You might want to try some of these strains that suppress rather than increase your appetite.
In general, sativa and sativa-dominant hybrid strains are less likely to stir your stomach into a feeding frenzy. This is because sativas and especially those originating in African have higher amounts of the cannabinoid THCV. Science wise, THC activates the CB1 receptors in your body’s endocannabinoid system which makes you hungry but THCV, like CBD, stimulates the CB2 receptors balancing out the urge to raid the refrigerator. While THCV and CBD saturated strains help manage the munchies, the psychoactive effects aren’t as prominent or don’t last as long.
If you prefer indicas and a headier high the cannabinoid to keep an eye out for in your search for appetite suppressing strains is humulene. Like THCV and CBD it suppresses activity in the pathways that stimulate the feeling of hunger but doesn’t limit the psychoactive effects the same way so you can get baked without wanting to eat all the baked goods.
Keep in mind these are just some helpful tips for recreational smokers trying not to overdo it during the holidays. If you struggle with weight loss and the temptations the munchies bring are affecting your health physically or mentally please speak to a health care professional about other options that can help get your goals on track.

Durban Poison
Green Crack
Sour Diesel
Lemon G13
Blue Dream
Cherry Pie
White Widow
Girl Scout Cookies
Platinum Kush
Northern Lights
Pink Kush