The Numbers on Native Americans and Cannabis Post author:bluehairedheather Post published:November 29, 2020 Post category:Statistics Cannabis can be Big Business for Indigenous Tribes but is it Worth it? There are an estimated 5.6 MILLION NATIVE AMERICANS living in the United States, comprising 1.7% of the total population. – Profile: American Indian/Alaska Native Indigenous nations are sovereign so the tax revenue they receive from cannabis-related businesses which creates a PROFIT MARGIN OF APPROXIMATELY 85%. – Indian Country Today Many tribes profit through “LIFESTYLE ECONOMY” like tobacco shops, casinos, fireworks, cannabis and tourism. – The Guardian Native Americans have an UNEMPLOYMENT RATE OF 7.8% – the highest in the country. – Bureau of Labor Statistics Because it is still federally illegal tribes that produce or sell cannabis can jeopardize their sovereign status which affects anywhere from 5% – 20% OF THE TRIBES so many opt to stay out of the business. – Laguna Treatment Hospital You Might Also Like Cannabusiness September 19, 2020 Senior Stoner Statistics October 10, 2020